I started this little journal as a way to document my journeys and easily distribute them to those who care to know about them. Thanks for looking!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Back in the US(SR)
In the end I traversed five countries in a month. 8 of those days were all day bus rides and several more had rides that were at least a few hours long. I spent my time checking into hostels or small hotels, meeting gringos, and either hanging with them for the night or meeting up again the next day to do some excursion. I never did any serious traveling with another group because I was on a shorter time schedule than they and I couldn't afford it. Aside from that, I also did a lot of day trips to different places and really enjoyed all of them. I have to admit that I had some fears before I started my trip. I was afraid that i wasn't prepared, that I would be lonely by myself, that I was covering too much ground in a month, that I didn't set aside enough money, and that my Spanish would fail me when i needed it. I'm very happy to say that I was wrong on all accounts and that I now believe that solo travel might be the best kind, though a good travel partner is a thing of beauty too.
I have a bit more to say about what i would do differently next time. First of all, let's talk about the quality of the destination. Central America was a great pick because it's cheap, close to the same time zone, I speak a little Spanish, it has a well developed tourist industry, easy/fast transportation, no shortage of activities, good weather, and it's fairly safe. On the other hand it's not as cheap as many other parts of the world like SE Asia and Africa, my Spanish isn't that good that I could have meaningful conversations in it, I heard lots of stories of tourist crime, the bus seats are too small for tall people, and the food isn't that great. Overall I'd say that it was a solid choice but I might have changed my route a little had I more experience. For instance, I would have visited the Bay Islands in Honduras instead of crossing the interior or it would have been worth it to just fly from Guatemala city to Nicaragua since it's like $50 and to skip all of Honduras alltogether. Also I would have spent less time in Antigua as it is highly overrated.
As for travel gear, I tried something different and it worked out ok, but I would do it a little differently next time. I wanted to pack super light so I bought all acrylic clothes, only had 2 pairs of anything, and did a wash in my sink every night. This did allow me to have the lightest pack of anyone I met but it also looked rather unfashionable compared to those around me and sometimes I couldn't do a wash and I'd have to wear the sweaty clothes from the day before. I ended up buying a couple cotton t shirts and they dried fine in a wash and looked better than the shirts I brought initially. If I had to do it again, I'd just bring whatever was comfortable and light, bring a few pairs, and pay someone to wash them for me. It usually costs $5 or less to have it done and I would have only had to do that 6 times or so for the whole trip. Also, I brought Teeva sandals and they were a little too bulky and inconvenient to slip out of so I should have brought some light thong sandals instead. Before I left Samantha put some hidden pockets in my pants for holding my credit cards and that was a great idea, but I had no place for my passport and I wish that I had a pocket for that too. Next time. All the rest of the gear was great, but I also should have only brought the guide book of the country I was starting in and bought the others from people in line at the border crossings. Surely that would have worked. If it failed however, I know how difficult if can be to find an English Lonely Planet at a 3rd world book store... because there aren't any! I couldn't find one for Costa Rica in the 5 days I looked. I should have just brought the Shoestring version and covered the whole region in one book.
Overall I felt very well prepared and never had to buy anything important that I had forgotten. As for what this means for the future... that's a more murky topic. I mean, I enjoyed traveling for a month... really enjoyed it. It makes me think that I simply must do another long trip again but even longer next time. I'm picturing 6 months for a start, and maybe an even longer one after that if I feel so inclined. So then, the question is how to fit a six month trip into my life, relationship with Samantha, and career. The career that I have chosen (computer programmer) requires a lot of skill and that skill can get stale if left unused for too long. It also involves long projects that I can't leave in the middle of if I expect to get a job at the same company again. My current project is going to wrap up around a year from now so that would be the absolute soonest that I would be able to do anything. My estimate for the cost of a 6 month trip to SE Asia is around $7300 with a $35 a day living expense and $1000 plane ticket which sounds reasonable given what I've seen on this trip where I was living for $45 per day before I met up with Sam. I believe that I can get my finances in order so that I could do the trip. A more significant question for me is how Sam fits into all this. I mean, I love the girl and I can't just leave her for 6 months. The only thing that I can make of it is that in a years time we'll either still be together and I'll take her with me or not go... or we'd not be together and it would be no question. It's a tricky subject to discuss. Anyways, 'Future Steve' can deal with that one.
As for now... I guess I need to put my nose back to the grindstone and do a great job at work and play and just make the most of life until I can get back out there again. I'll update this blog again only if I make it back out on the road. ttyl (I hope)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Island Life

Friday, March 7, 2008
My Baby's Back

Monday, March 3, 2008
Waiting in San Jose

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Resting Peacefully
Friday, February 29, 2008
Hello Costa Rica!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Fresh Off the Beach

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Out to Lunch

Off to the Beach
Monday, February 25, 2008
Brief Update
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Another Long Day
After changing busses a few more times I eventually got to Granada, a fairly famous city in Nicaragua. It´s supposedly the oldest European city in the new world, whatever that means. It´s very pretty, built on a lake, it´s been sacked by pirates no less than 3 times, and it once faught a civil war against the city of Leon a hundred miles away in an attempt to become the capital of Central America. They´re full of pride around here. That and Regetone music, the most vile kind of music there is.
After I found a cool hostel to stay at, the `Bearded Monkey´, I wandered around for a little while and watched a small concery being held in the town square. It was a bit of live ranchero music and I thought it was pretty good. Also I got Erika a preasent here but don´t tell her that ;) Shortly thereafter I ran into someone that I saw at the hostel eating alone so I had some beers with them and wandered around the city some more. It´s fiercely hot today and I don´t think that it´s gonna get any better when the two of us climb up some volcano tomorrow. I don´t recal what it´s called but I´m pretty sure that there´s no lava. It´s late now so I´m gonna go catch a shower... there´s a draught here so the city shuts off the water during daylight hours and you have to catch up on your bathing late at night. ttyl
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Travel Day
When I got off the bus finally I found myself at the bus station in the capital of the most dangerous country in Central America without a guide book and no other gringos in sight. I´ll admit that I felt a little vunerable. I knew that I could catch the direct bus to the capital of Nicaragua to the south but i´d have to spend the night in Tegucigalpa and wait for the morning. Without a guide book I´d be at the mercy of the taxi drivers who are known for scams. I decided to catch a shorter ride south on a different bus immediatly rather than wait out the rest of the day in the city. So, I rode that one another 4 hours south and ended up in Choluteca, 45 minutes north of the Nicaragua border.
I´m writing from the net cafe across the street from my hotel. I pushed the limits of my poor spanish skills and found the time and location of the bus to Nicaragua the next morning and got this hotel recomendation close to the bus station. Its a little smelly but I did get AC with it for a total of $10. Actually thats a really high price for around these parts but I didnt see any alternatives and it´s hot as holy hell here. I´ll write again when I´m actually inside Nicaragua. No idea where I´ll end up, but at least I´ll have a guide book.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Busses and Ruins
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Lots More Lake
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Relaxing at the Lake
I hung out with them for the rest of the d
Monday, February 18, 2008
Lakes and Volcanoes
Right before we started walking onto the lava field the guide offered this advice. He said that if you smelled buring rubber then you´re close enough but if you smell buring bacon you may want to backoff. I came to learn that he meant that my shoes would melt and indeed they did a little.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
First Day Out
At 1 AM on Saturday morning I flew out of LA. That was the plan at least but due to a 1.5 hour check in line and my showing up a mere 1.5 hours before the flight, I missed the plane. I got put onto the next flight an hour later and due to my multiple other connections having some layovers I ended up getting to Guatemala on schedule so it all worked out swimingly.
I think that my favorite part of travel would be the people that I meet. I like to go to the smaller places where there aren't too many wattering holes to get a beer at so you run into the same gringos constantly from town to town. Yesterday I chatted with a Parisian named Vincent, Ian whom I've already mentioned, an Austrain named Franz, and some others whos names I cant recall. Hopefuly I'll meet some more people at the Volcano that can steer me towards the best adventure yet. Either that or we'll parish in a hail of sulfer and fire. That's what makes it so stimulating ;)
Ttyl... next time I'll have pictures of lava, or is it magma?