As I'm writing this now, it seems like ages since I spent that last long rainy day in a hostel on the base of Mt Cook, but then, it probably has been a while. Counting back, it's been a week, That's not so bad, but Diane and I have covered a lot of miles and have done a lot of things so it's only with the aid of the pictures that I'll remember it all.

In the morning, with the weather clear, we set off to do our much anticipated hike to Sealy Tarns. Oh, a 'tarn' is basically a tiny pond on a steep mountainside. Maybe it has something to do with glaciation too (everything else in this place does) but I doubt it.

The weather was great, cool and sunny, but the hike was steep as hell. Other than the intro, it was a solid hour and a half of steep switchbacks taking us ever higher. Of course the views were great, and we had such a great look at Hooker Glacier that we didn't have to do that one afterward anymore. Of course, I got it in my head that I should go swimming in one of the terminal lakes nearby.

After a nice lunch at the tarns of tuna sandwiches, apples, and dark chocolate, we made the knee breaking descent back to the van.

On the way down, I noticed blueish berries growing on low bushes and I thought that it all looked very familiar so I ate a couple and found that I liked them. They tasted kind of like a weak blackberry mixed with rose petals. Diane had some too, but I ate several hand fulls. They weren't that great, but I didn't get sick so no problems to report.

My knees were still shaking when we got to the bottom and my persistence convinced Diane to accompany me to the glacial lake since it's just a 20 minute walk from our camp. Once we got there, I hid behind a boulder to change since there were a lot of tourists going by on the nearby easy trail, and I waded through a field of grass and boulders to get to the lake. As I got to the edge, I saw a small iceberg drift out into the raging river and get swept away. Why would I get into that cold and dirty looking water? The deep grey color is from glacial rock dust. Anyways, I found a nice rock to slip into the water from and I dunked myself over my head four times, drank some of it (delicious), and dried off. Yea, it was damn cold.

I think that we'd done enough in the Mt Cook area and we were itching to see something new, so that afternoon we left the park and drove to a town several hours away called Omarama. There's not much of note there, except a great speak shearing show at the Wrinkly Ram but we weren't there at the right time to catch it.
Oh, this next day wasn't too much fun, though it had a few nice points. We had to drive from Omarama to the town of Te Anau which is a hell of a long ways away. The highlights included a quick stop in Lindis Valley for its fruit. There, we bought a box of the best apricots I'd ever had, and a large bag of super fresh Bing cherries. They were so crisp, you'd never believe they were Bing. Also we stopped at many scenic vistas to stretch our legs, but I really just wanted to get to Te Anau to try some pie shop that's recommended in Lonely Planet.

Pies are such an English thing. When I think of them, many sweet varieties come to mind, but out here they're mostly all savory and full of meat. Most shops have the same stuff, but the ones at this place were a bit larger than most and at $5 seemed like a good value. The flavors included steak and cheese, steak kidney, steak bacon mushroom, chicken bacon, satay chicken, cream chicken, Thai chicken, sausage roll, mince (ground beef), Cornish (mince w/ potatoes, carrot, and peas in sort of BBQ sauce), and the "world's best" venison pie. I've seen that they raise herds of Red Deer like cattle here in NZ. This is a picture of my steak and cheese pie, which was mostly just huge chunks of prime rib in a cheese sauce. Diane got the venison, which was the same but gamier. Nice. Maybe these would sell well back home since they're really bad for you.

Also in Te Anau, we booked a cruise for Milford Sound at the local tourism center. They've got these government run 'iSites' that freely give advice, weather reports, make phone calls for you, and offer showers for a few bucks. Well, the weather report predicted clear skies the next day and all of hell's fury thereafter. Hearing that, we booked for the next day and made our way in that direction. That night we camped aside a large lake and enjoyed an unusual array of sun and clouds. We also had our first encounter with NZ's dreaded sandflys.

They're truly awful. They looks like small flies, but they bite like mosquitoes, and itch for longer. Worst of all, they come in great numbers all day and swarm you if you ever stop for a moment. Also, when they bite they hurt a bit right at that moment so you notice every bite and that makes it even worse. Also, they don't make any noise to let you know they're there. Just awful these things, and they inhabit all of the West coast of South Island and that's where we're headed for the next week or so. To make things worse, there were lots of mosquitoes too keeping the sandflies company.

In the morning, the ceiling of the van was covered in mosquitoes. We took paper towels and smashed the unusually calm bugs. When we finished there were at least 40 bloody stains across the ceiling of our lovely new model van. I hope that we can clean it effectively before returning the rental. Crouching in the van with the lights on for 15 minutes before bed snatching all the flies wasn't enough it seems. The sandflies are rather slow and can be snatched from the air. So anyways, we started our drive toward Milford Sound.

The road going out there was built in the 30s with the purpose of exploiting the last bits of forest still standing in NZ but by the time it had finished the idea of environmentalism had just started to come into fashion and the whole area was set aside for protection. In this area, known as Fjordland, there is an unbelievable amount of rain deposited each year. I heard about a town that gets 15 meters a year. All that water is effective both at keeping people and agriculture out as well as supporting supreme biodiversity. Simply put, it's an area of steep mountains carved out by eons of glaciers and rife with waterfalls from the ridiculous abundance of rain.

The road, 150k in each direction with no towns in between, leading out to Milford Sound is in good condition though clogged with tour buses. It follows the flattest routes possible and crosses many grassy valleys surrounded by mountains and occasionally has some steep canyons to span. One nice stop was at the Mirror Lakes, a series of small swampy ponds that reflect the nearby peaks and sport a mess of birds. We stopped at many more vistas than I care to describe since we had a late afternoon boat scheduled and plenty of time to make it there.

For lunch we visited a remote outpost called Gunn Camp, named after a famous local rancher and hunter of sorts, David Gunn. This is not a government run visitors center, but rather a last holdout for a group of people that have been living on this isolated land for generations and now make a living selling cokes to passing tourists who drive 20k down a dead end dirt road to see them. We strolled through the one room museum and read a lot of newspaper clippings on the walls.

Most were sad stories about the severe hardships that early settlers to the sounds went through and many more were about David Gunn. The area was settled by westerners about 140 years ago, but the people who came had little farming or bush experience and most left after several years of toil. There were a lot of stores of families dying of fevers, having no contact with the outside, and burying each other without shovels. David Gunn was in his 70s when he died around 1950. Experienced in everything that could go wrong out there, he finally died when his horse slipped in a flooded river and his grandson drowned with him.
Later in the afternoon we reached Homer Tunnel, a 1.5k hole through the mountain blasted out in the 30s and then widened for larger vehicles in the 50s. It's just 1 lane wide in parts, so a traffic light on each end changes the direction of the tunnel every 15 minutes. It's great fun to go through since it's walls are uneven, the road severely bumpy, it's at a steep angle, and lots of water drips off the ceiling.

It felt like a theme park ride really. Before we went through it, we stopped in the parking lot and admired some Kea that came looking for handouts. Kea are the world's only alpine parrots and are dressed in an unusually drab olive green feathers. I hear their under wings are red but I've never seen one fly. They're very curious birds and come to tourist hangouts to find snacks but a million signs discourage feeding them as what we eat just isn't good for them. I hear they also like to tear the rubber of windshields if nobody is around.

Finally we got to the sound after passing through a couple more natural wonders I won't mention because the pictures suck. Milford Sound is just one of 13 different sounds in Fjordland, but this one is the prettiest one that's somewhat easily accessible so it gets half a million visitors a year for its trouble. Fjords are bays created by glacial grinding while sounds are bays created by river valleys that are lowered into the sea by tectonic shifts. Technically, all of these sounds are actually fjords and are incorrectly named. Realizing this mistake many decades later, NZ decided to call the whole region Fjordland and call it good enough. I'm still going to call it a sound though.

We took a shower at a nearby hotel (the only one out there since there's almost nothing there except a dock and a small airplane runway) and found our way over to the boat. It was a nice new one, and the captain took us out to sea and back, stopping briefly to douse us under a few different waterfalls.

It took about 2 and a half hours and didn't have more than 8 other people on the large boat since the later afternoon time is pretty unpopular since you'd have to spend the night out there if you didn't want a very long and windy drive in the dark. That's fine with us though, especially since that time slot is discounted. Also, I talked one of the crew to load my satchel with unsold sandwiches at the end of the cruise. No cooking for us tonight!

Man, that cruise was super beautiful. The highest peak along the edge of the water was the 1700 meter Miter Peak but a lot of the rocky crags looked equally tall and many had snow on top. That's a bit unusual for a sea cruise.

The water was pretty smooth, though a terrible wind had kicked up, and only the endless supply of free coffee kept us warm on the deck. Coffee flew everywhere in that wind but I hadn't had more than a couple cups in the last few weeks so I jumped on it. Coffee is expensive out here. At the mouth of the sound, the water got shallow from the glacial moraine deposits and the waves got large. We didn't go any further and turned back. After landing, we got to our camp site an hour before sunset and chatted up a Dutch couple over dinner. They're traveling for 6 months, but to more expensive places than me. After NZ they're headed out to California.

A couple days of getting bitten up by the sandflies was enough for now and we decided to make a break for civilization. With that in mind we went toward the much hyped Queenstown. It's got a population around 30k, but it's one of the larger cities on the South Island with a population like that. The city is located in a rather sparse lake valley, surrounded by steep rocky mountains. One of the ranges overhead is called The Remarkables and hosts a nearby ski resort.

The town takes some inspiration from Aspen in its vibe, but instead of expensive beer and tasteful clothing, they have expensive beer and extreme sports. Yes, bungee jumping was invented here and pretty much everything that could be classed as extreme is located in this one spot. Of course, since it's got such a reputation it's gotten very expensive and was too much for me to bear. A single jump off the best bungee in town is $200, but some lesser ones go for a little over $100. A skydive is $400, and I don't think that I saw anything that costs less than $100.

We parked our van at the one holiday park within walking range of town and went exploring. When we went back to the car to get more warm clothes, we met yet another Dutch couple and shared some drinks before heading out for dinner. Diane and I have had countless recommendations to get a Fergburger here in Queenstown. Many people said it was the best thing in all of NZ.

Well, I had the 'Big Al' burger, which had 2*1/4 pound patties (cooked rare on special request), a mound of cheese, more bacon than I'd ever seen on a burger, 2 fried eggs, sliced beetroot (common on burgers in OZ and NZ, and very good), all the veg, and a sort of ketchup/BBQ sauce. It was massive (it should be for $13) and I wolfed it down along with a Diet Coke... because I'm on a diet. I don't know if it was the best burger ever, but certainly the best since I'd left America. I felt great afterward surprisingly, but not much room for beer. Oh well, I nursed one cider as we watched several hours of the Australian Open in an upscale bar. They're all upscale around here.

In the morning we wanted to leave Queenstown but we hadn't done any extreme sports as of yet. It's an issue of money so we compromised with our budgets and took a gondola ride up to the top of a mountain overlooking the city and lake. Up there they've got a pretty great set of luge tracks, and we rode down them a couple times.

They get going pretty fast and can bank pretty well but never get too fast. Oh well, it was fun and WAY cheaper than anything else. I also bought myself some NZ socks at the gift shop. I think that it's turning into a theme since I also got some 'tasteful' socks in Amsterdam. It's tough to find them though... same goes for the pins on my satchel.

After getting out of Queenstown we headed towards Wanaka going through Arrowtown. Its a cute little tourist trap that's got a main street full of wooden shops peddling wool products, jade jewelry, and expensive confections. I liked it, but just for the 30 minutes that we spent wandering and splitting a satay chicken pie. From there we continued on to Wanaka which is a small lakeside town that's got a reputation as a discounted Queenstown. I'd say that it's really nothing like it, though you can do many extreme sports from there but the bar scene isn't even close. We settled in at a holiday park and passed the night cooking and watching Taken in the shared TV room.

Here's some pics of naggy road signs. Early that morning we got out of the park to visit the internet cafe at a different hostel nearby. I finished up my ticketing details there and I'm pretty relieved that I'm all sorted. I had bought a ticket a few days earlier to go on to Fiji after NZ but had second thoughts after it was all paid for. I was scheduled to stay there for a month which is far too long for some chain of tropical islands and there wouldn't be any other tourists there since it was out of season and the weather would be horrible.

Why did I buy the ticket to begin with? Well, Fiji is the ONLY cheap place to travel to on the way back to the US and it's a pretty logical stopping point. Well, after much thought I changed the ticket to take me to Argentina instead where I'll meet up with Jowen. You remember him, the Canadian that I'd traveled with In Egypt, Syria, Czech, and Germany. It's going to be great down there, but I've got the worlds worst plane ticket to get there. 9 flights on 5 airlines in 48 hours. I only pray that my luggage makes it. Plus, I've got a 14 hour layover in LAX and I won't let myself leave the airport lest I visit home before the trip is over.

There's a strange attraction in this area that caught out eye, a large roadside establishment called Puzzling World. The main room is full large table scattered with mind puzzles of all types including those ring and horseshoe puzzles, sliding wooden tiles, towers of Hanoi, and many many more. We paid to enter their hall of illusions and a huge outdoor labyrinth. I don't know what to say about the place, but it was a lot of fun and pretty challenging.
That night we watched the new Social Network movie at a pretty great local theater in Wanaka called El Paradiso. It's got a very homemade feel, with lots of second hand couches, a VW bug, and some folding chairs filling the room. Every movie is split up with an intermission where they throw open the doors so the smell of fresh baked cookies can drift through. They also have dinners like pizzas ready at intermission if you ordered before but we just took some ice cream back to the couch. We both liked the theater and the movie so it was a nice night.

Finished with Wanaka, we set off to visit the West coast of the country. It's a wet place having an average of 7 meters of rain a year, and pretty sparsely populated. It's got 9% of NZ's land but under 1% of the population. That's because up until the highways were built 50 years ago it suffered from extreme isolation and ever worse weather. It must have been a hell for the early settlers. Remember that it's also home to the thickest populations of sandflies and mosquitoes.

I guess this sign is kind of naggy too. We made a detour to visit the isolated community of Jackson Bay at the far Southern end of the coastal highway. Only about 50 people live there, but it's got a great seafood restaurant in a small shed and some easy hikes to the coast.

After having some fresh fish and chips we walked through the fern tree filled rain forest to a rocky beach. There was a dead penguin there but I was hoping to see a live one. At this time of year they come to the shore to molt before they return to swim the seas for 2 more months eating and adding fat for the winter. I guess they sleep in the waves. It was a cute town but too quiet to stand living in. I'm sure that everyone living there is a fisherman.

A couple hundred more kilometers rested between us and the Fox Glacier so we kept on moving. There was a great rest stop with some nature walks that we hit in the late afternoon. The sea was raging and putting down thick layers of foam on the beach that didn't fade away for some reason.

I love the way it shook like jelly in the wind. We also took a stroll through a swamp on a wooden planked path. I love those... such effort just for a path. It was such a lovely area in the golden afternoon light and I really hated to leave it for the road again. You know, I really like driving though, especially after missing it for so long, and another hour on the road doesn't break my spirit.
Along the way we made a reservation to do a skydive at the Fox Glacier the next day. It started raining a little bit as we checked into the holiday park so we called it an evening, made dinner, and went to bed easily without thinking about skydiving too much. It just makes me nervous if I do.

The morning weather looked nice at first but then some clouds moved in and our flight was canceled since they can't jump us through any clouds for whatever reason. We met a three young guys traveling together back at the hostel and ened up spending most of the day with them. Their skydive was scrubbed as the rain started pounding so we spent the afternoon cooking coco, eating cookies, and eventually playing cards while driking as much of my rum as we could. I bought a few bottles at the airport since I knew that booze is expensive in NZ but this stuff is just too strong and foul tasting for us to handle. If I get a few more guys helping me though... it's not so difficult. The card games lasted late into the night, and the two dutch guys got sick but the German and I were fine.
The Dutch guys are brothers that go by Reno and Paul. One is 19 and the other 22 and seem to have more money than sense. I like their good spirit though. The German, Mathias, is a little bit more reserved but that gives him an air of competancy and experiencve that doesn't seem deserved I think. The three of them are headed towards Christchurch on roughtly the same schedule as us so I think that we'll travel together for a while.

The next day didn't pan out any better. Diane and I had a flight schedued for 10 am but that was scrubbed for fog on the runway. The guys had their 11 flight canceled too so we waited around for much of the day checking with the flight company from time to time. At least we made our way out to see the Fox glacier. It's one of the two largest on the coast and ends nearly at sea level. These days the glacier is retreating a bit, slowly of course, but it's still an impressive sight and a lot more attractive than the ones on Mt Cook.

We also did a hike around Lake Matheson late in the day and afterward Diane and I gave up on getting a flight. The weather out here is just too unpredictable and wasn't working in our favor that day. We went on to Fraz Joseph Glacier to get going on dinner and we checked into a pretty cool holiday park and met up with the guys the next morning since they'd rather free camp on the street.

With a clear sky showing in the morning, we called up the skydive guys and were told to be there by 11am to get a jump in before the weather changed. Well, we got our jump and I'll say, it was a hell of a rush. The tiny plane took off with Dine and I sat on the floor strapped to our two instructors.

There wasn't any room to move around, or stand of course, but the windows were low and we took in a great view of the Fox Glacier and cloud obscured mountains beyond it. On a clear day we could have seen Mt Cook, but as it was we did see the base of it at least. It really is a small island that we'd see all sides of their biggest mountain range.

At 9000 feet we hit some low clouds, but they weren't thick enough to stop the ascent (you can'y jump through clouds) so we went to 12000 and opened the door. Diane was closest to the door so she scooted over with her guy and they swung their legs off the side of the plane and dropped out of sight. On my turn we slid out the door and I caught a face full of wind as we sped towards the ground at 120 mph.

It felt more like a rollercoaster than a bungee jump since I didn't have to do anything. The instructor pulled the cord eventually, we spiraled to the ground, and I took some pictures of Diane landing. I loved it, and I better have for $225. NZ is the land of extreme sports. I had to do one of them.

At Franz Joseph Glacier, we met up with the guys right where we left them that morning. This glacier was pretty much the same as the last one, but the view was a little better from the wide moraine field left from when it was a lot bigger 80 years ago. Some nice waterfalls sprinkled the area too. The weather was turing on us again so we went north up the coast until it got late and we settled into a DOC camp site deep in the woods. Shortly after we pulled in and started cooking the rain came and poured hard. The grass instantly turned into a swamp and we ran into a roofed shelter and braved the mosquitoes for a game of cards before calling it a night.

The rain continued on unabated in the morning so we packed up the stuff we left unwashed in the rain shelter the night before and got into our vans. I think we just ate an apple and some buttered bread in the front seats. I told the guys to follow us on to Greymouth further north so that we could hopefully find some better weather and maybe take the brewery tour there. It poured rain for the hour long drive and only stopped when we got there though it stayed nice and grey, which was expected since we were in Greymouth of Grey County. Diane took a shower at a carpark, the guys used the wifi at McDonalds, and I got some tips from the iSite. They told me where to find a free natural hotspring in the Lewis Pass up in the mountains. The guys are really cheap so that's the sort of thing they'd be into.

Turning inland towards the pass, we drive through several small sheep towns until we reached Reefton, where the sun shone for the first time in days. It's known for its gold mining history. Back in the day, it was a very wealthy place and was the first recipient of a municipal electrical system in 1870 when they built a small dam generator to power 200 bulbs. First we went to see the Bearded Miner Company on the main street. The guys there collect small donations to keep the town looking good, and share their knowledge of mining, panning, and fossiking (looking for gold) with anyone who will listen. The guys there showed us propper panning tequnique and a mess of rock samples.

It was explained to me that the downstream towns were short lived gold panning camps in the late 19th century, but here in Reefton the gold is still stuck in the placer rock. That means that large scale gold mines are needed to collect the gold and they have operated here until the last local one closed down in the 70s. Other gold mines continue on in NZ. The steady work in the mines led to a prosperous "married mans" community that lasted the years. After chatting long enough, we rented a shovel and some pans and drove 10k downstream to a recreational panning site on a small river.

I actually remembered a lot of the technique from the several times that I did it as a kid in California but it was good to get a refresh from those bearded old timers. I dug some 'pay dirt' out of the washed out side of the river bank and dished it out to our panners. It ended up that I was the only person to find a flake of gold but I didn't have anywhere to put something so tiny so I just ate it. It'd probably be more profitable if I just panned a bottle of Goldschlager next time.
They weren't discouraged anymore by morning and bit the hell out of us and clustered inside the vans when we cooked a quick breakfast. Rain started flicking us as we cooked and the moment we finished packing it let loose all hell and didn't stop for the entire day. We were determined to reach the thermal waters of Hanmer Springs even though you had to pay for them. Partly it was from the frustration from our search for Sylvia Springs, and partly because the men of the group hadn't bathed in a couple days in anticipation. Yea, we were getting a bit funky but Diane refused to join us and took a shower back at Greymouth the previous day.
Hanmer Springs was a lovely little resort town. We enjoyed the natural hot water at the resort for $15 each and afterwards huddled inside a cafe for more fish and chips since it was raining to hard to cook for ourselves in peace. We split up with the guys too because they had a different schedule than us and we wanted to go tour a place the next day that they'd already been to. We figured that we may as well do some driving as long as the weather was against us. And so we did, and we stayed in a holiday park outside of Christchurch. I was afraid for my camera and didn't take any pictures of the day at all.
The plane ride to Argentina was pretty miserable, but I guess I'll discuss that gem in the next post which hopefully will not be so delayed since I've got more time on my hands out here. Thanks for the patience!
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